Dissemination meetings

Dissemination meetings are high profile events or conferences not organised by the COST Action. Action MC members or their substitutes shall attend these meetings for the purpose of disseminating the Action’s achievements. The following conditions apply to this meeting type:

  1. The participation of eligible participants at Dissemination meetings must be pre-approved by both the Action Core Group (mandate given  by MC at the 2nd meeting in Barcelona) and by the Action’s Science Officer. Attendance at European conferences is preferred. However, conferences held elsewhere can also be considered.
  2. For each Grant Period, a maximum of two Action MC members or their substitutes are eligible to be reimbursed for their attendance at approved Dissemination meetings. Repeated attendance at Dissemination meetings by the same Action MC members or Action MC substitutes across Grant Periods should be avoided.
  3. All eligible Action Participants must make an oral presentation at the conference in question and must be listed as a speaker in the official event/conference programme. The main subject of the oral presentation / speech at the approved event or conference must result in promoting the scientific activities being performed by the COST Action.


There is a permanent call open. Proposals should be sent to the Action Chair.


  • 06/19 Dijana Dominis Prester, MAGIC collaboration meeting at Yerevan (announcement, slides).